Medellin to Currulao Bus
The distance from Medellin to the small town of Currulao (which belongs to the municipality of Turbo) is 201 mi (324 km), which take about 7 hours of travel by an inter-city bus through the Carretera 62. The terrestrial transportation companies that cover this route are Rapido Ochoa and Brasilia, providing bus tickets which can be acquired at the branches or online. The name Currulao comes from "cununao", an African drum, and refers to the traditional Colombian folklore. Currulao has a lot of rain all year. We recommend you to be prepared with umbrella, boots, raincoats and everything you consider necessary to be under the rain. The vegetation in this small town is tropical and humid forest and the annual average temperature is 79 °F (26 °C).
Why book a Medellin (Ant) a Currulao (Ant) bus with redBus?
You can also time-to-time redBus offers while booking your bus tickets online from Medellin (Ant) to Currulao (Ant). Follow a simple, fast and secure bus booking procedure. This helps save time and also helps to create a joyful travel experience!
About Medellin
Medellin is located at 1495 m a.s.l., just 261 mi (420 kms) away from the capital Bogota. It is known as "The eternal spring city" or the "mountain's capital" nicknames that reflect it's attractive weather. It's history stars a number of indigenous tribes that lived on the region since V b.c. The first contact between the spaniards and the people of the Valley of Aburrá happened in 1541, although due to the lack of precious minerals and the resistance from the locals, the area was initially abandoned.In 1616 Medellín was founded with the name of "Poblado de San Lorenzo". In 1826, Medellín was named as capital of the Antioquia department by the National Congress. Modern day Medellín is a prosperous city in constant industrial and social development.
About Currulao
The small town of Currulao is part of the Antioquia department and its name has origin in the word Currulado that in katio language means rivers of wild waters. The property Currulao marks the beginning of the place, and with the passage of time a small village is formed in the area because of the construction of a highway, and in 1949 it was declared small town. Among the dishes that you can taste in Currulao there is sancocho antioqueno and bandeja paisa, that you should share with someone else, since is plentiful of flavors and of huge size; some side dishes as tamales o empanadas and to drink a chicha, aguapanela or champu. The Festival de la Antioquenidad is one of the main festivals of Currulao, where you can see the silleteros, men who carry appealing flower arrangements that wake up the imagination of everyone that contemplates them. Currulao is a municipality that wants to grow, you can see that in everything they do.