Bogota to Magangue Bus
From Bogota to Manangua, Cordoba has an approximate duration of 24 hours, a route of 1,056 KM. The land transport companies that provide this service are Expreso Brasilia and Rapido Ochoa.
On the banks of the Magdalena River in the northern part of the country is the municipality of Manangue, very close to Cienaga Grande de Manague, one of the current projects for Environmental and Productive recovery. This municipality located in the Department of Cordoba, Manangue has an average temperature of 32 ° C, its gastronomy is largely influenced by the river - it is a small fishing industry - and by the culture of the Colombian Caribbean, you can find fried fish, sancocho of fish or mote of yam. Manangue is also a very important town because it is one of the connections to get to Mompox, a prime Colombian tourist place.
Why book a Bogota (D.C) a Magangue (Bol) bus with redBus?
You can also time-to-time redBus offers while booking your bus tickets online from Bogota (D.C) to Magangue (Bol). Follow a simple, fast and secure bus booking procedure. This helps save time and also helps to create a joyful travel experience!
About Bogota
Bogota is the capital of Colombia, situated at 2640 m a.s.l. The city is known as the "Athens of South America" due to its great numer of museums, theaters, libraries and cultural activities. It is the third most elevated city in South America, behind (La Paz and Quito). In your journey through Bogota you will enjoy the historical tour along streets that combine modernity with colonial architechture. Bogota is well known for its cultural events like the International Book Fair and the "Festivales al Parque", which are attended by both national and international tourists. The Gold Museum, the National Observatory, the Colpatria Tower and the Botanical Garden José Celestino Mutis, the old La Candelaria Barrios are all must see destinations for all tourists. We hope yiy enjoy your historical and cultural adventure in Bogota!
About the route to Magangue (Bol)
redBus offers the most convenient way to travel by road to Magangue (Bol). Magangue (Bol) is a favorite destination spot for travelers and people who want to spend a little vacation time and enjoy special moments and experiences. Travel time usually varies depending on the amount of traffic, weather conditions and road conditions.