Medellin to Quibdo Bus
The travel from Medellin to Quibdo, by intercity bus, takes about 13 hours, depending on the highway state and the traffic. Both cities are separated for a distance of 143 mi (230 km). You can go through this distance with the terrestrial transportation companies Brasilia and Rapido Ochoa, which provide bus tickets at accesible rates through their website. Quibdo enjoys a unique wealth for being located at the most forestry region of Colombia, being recognized worldwide for its biodiversity. The climate in Quibdo is peculiar, there is rain most of the time, and that's the reason why it's considered one of the cities which rains more worldwide. The average temperature is 79 °F (26 °C), but in warm days the temperature can go over 86 °F (30 °C) even without stopping raining. Prepare yourself for the constant but nice rain
Why book a Medellin (Ant) a Quibdo (Cho) bus with redBus?
You can also time-to-time redBus offers while booking your bus tickets online from Medellin (Ant) to Quibdo (Cho). Follow a simple, fast and secure bus booking procedure. This helps save time and also helps to create a joyful travel experience!
About Medellin
Medellin is located at 1495 m a.s.l., just 261 mi (420 kms) away from the capital Bogota. It is known as "The eternal spring city" or the "mountain's capital" nicknames that reflect it's attractive weather. It's history stars a number of indigenous tribes that lived on the region since V b.c. The first contact between the spaniards and the people of the Valley of Aburrá happened in 1541, although due to the lack of precious minerals and the resistance from the locals, the area was initially abandoned.In 1616 Medellín was founded with the name of "Poblado de San Lorenzo". In 1826, Medellín was named as capital of the Antioquia department by the National Congress. Modern day Medellín is a prosperous city in constant industrial and social development.
About Quibdo
Quibdó is the capital of the Department of Chocó, located in the north west area of Colombia. The city has a strong influx of afroamerican people, who migrated into the city after the abolition of slavery in Colombia. The city is located in one of the most dense rainforest area of Colombia, near big ecological and native reserves.The city gained importance after the discovery of gold and platinum deposits in the Atrato valley. The biodiversity of the flora and fauna of the region, along with stunning vistas make Quibdó a touristic destination frequented by tourists who want to relax.