Bogota to Mocoa Bus
The travel from Bogota to Mocoa is at a distance of 391.5 mi (630 km) that take about 11 hours by bus. Coomotor, terrestrial transportation company, provides bus tickets for this route, at low-cost rates and varied schedules that adapt to the needs of the traveller. Mocoa has diverse natural attractions that draw attention to all the traveller as the waterfalls of the end of the world, the Urqusique caverns or the Ojo de Dios, besides its proximity to the Parque Nacional Natural Serrania de los Churumbelos Auka-Wasi, home of 26% of the birds all over the country. The climate in Mocoa is tropical, with an average temperature of 24 °C, it's a place quite rainy, and June is the month with more precipitations. It's recommended to pack light clothes to enjoy the climate, but don't forget to forget an umbrella to protect you from the rains.
Why book a Bogota (D.C) a Mocoa (Put) bus with redBus?
You can also time-to-time redBus offers while booking your bus tickets online from Bogota (D.C) to Mocoa (Put). Follow a simple, fast and secure bus booking procedure. This helps save time and also helps to create a joyful travel experience!
About Bogota
Bogota is the capital of Colombia, situated at 2640 m a.s.l. The city is known as the "Athens of South America" due to its great numer of museums, theaters, libraries and cultural activities. It is the third most elevated city in South America, behind (La Paz and Quito). In your journey through Bogota you will enjoy the historical tour along streets that combine modernity with colonial architechture. Bogota is well known for its cultural events like the International Book Fair and the "Festivales al Parque", which are attended by both national and international tourists. The Gold Museum, the National Observatory, the Colpatria Tower and the Botanical Garden José Celestino Mutis, the old La Candelaria Barrios are all must see destinations for all tourists. We hope yiy enjoy your historical and cultural adventure in Bogota!
About Mocoa
Mocoa is a Colombian municipality, capital of Putumayo and its economy is based mainly in commercial activities and agriculture. The growth of the city has been bigger the last years, thanks to the construction of the highway Bogota-Pitalito-Mocoa; besides, due to the visitors from different regions, there is also more cultural diversity. Among the main tourist attractions to visit, the Parque Principal General Santander offers panoramic views of the city with the background of Amazonia, splendid landscapes!; close to the Vides river there is a little Parque Ecologico (ecologic park) with old remains, which shows the Acurawa culture or you can go to Yunguillo, where you can get along with the colonial past and the settlers of the indigenous Inga culture. The gastronomy of Putumayo includes varied dishes as cachama ahumada a la lenña, the delightful envueltos de choclo y yuca, boiled in hot water or boiled manioc with pork meat or smoked beef, depending on your choice. Regarding the festivals, the Carnaval Folclorico de Mocoa (beginning the year) and the Carnaval de Blancos y Negros, that is as well celebrated in Pasto. Mocoa is the entrance door to the diversity of Putumayo, you can't miss all that this interesting region has to admire.