Medellin to Urrao Bus
From Medellin to Urrao there are 100 mi (161 km) which take approximately 5 hours by bus. The transportations companies Brasilia and Rapido Ochoa cover this route with its inter-city buses, whose bus tickets can be bought online, to make it easier the booking of your ticket. Something curious: Due to the different thermic floors, Urrao has an agricultural and livestock production, main economic activity of the region. Urrao has a tropical climate and constant precipitations, being October the most rainy month; the temperatures doesn't change a lot, being the average annual temperature 68°F (20 °C).
Why book a Medellin (Ant) a Urrao (Ant) bus with redBus?
You can also time-to-time redBus offers while booking your bus tickets online from Medellin (Ant) to Urrao (Ant). Follow a simple, fast and secure bus booking procedure. This helps save time and also helps to create a joyful travel experience!
About Medellin
Medellin is located at 1495 m a.s.l., just 261 mi (420 kms) away from the capital Bogota. It is known as "The eternal spring city" or the "mountain's capital" nicknames that reflect it's attractive weather. It's history stars a number of indigenous tribes that lived on the region since V b.c. The first contact between the spaniards and the people of the Valley of Aburrá happened in 1541, although due to the lack of precious minerals and the resistance from the locals, the area was initially abandoned.In 1616 Medellín was founded with the name of "Poblado de San Lorenzo". In 1826, Medellín was named as capital of the Antioquia department by the National Congress. Modern day Medellín is a prosperous city in constant industrial and social development.
About Urrao
At the Colombian department of Antioquia we find the municipality of Urrao, which in the past was occupied by catios indigenous who confronted ferociously the Spanish who wanted to conquer their land. At the end of the 18th century there was a town founded on the territory, which became an obligatory route for travellers from Antioquit to Choco, fact that allowed its development. The advantageous location of Urrao makes possible the various thermal floors the city has, reason why there is a great flora and fauna diversity. At the proximity of the municipality you can visit the Parque Nacional Natural Las Orquideas with more than 300 orchid species and several animal species to admire, and besides that the Paramo del Sol, placed also there, offers interesting landscape routes; you can also visit there the El Espinal and Sandima properties, that show how people lived on the colonial period. Urrao is recognized for the quality and the preparation of its particular sweet cheese and also put at your disposition dishes as the frijoles antioqueños, served with chicharron, banana or avocado; the bandeja paisa, with beans, eggs and varied types of meat and if you prefer it, delicious grilled meats. Feel part of Urrao celebrating the Fiestas del Cacique Tone, where the streets are decorated with lots of colours, the balconies full of flowers, passion flower bouquets and placards to celebrate the freedom and rebellion of the iconic cacique personality, which include a reign of beauty, cavalcades and other activities; the Desfile de Antorchas in March, the saint patron festival of San Jose, also in March and the Festival Municipal de Teatro-Carrozas, where there are typical regional dances, constumes music groups, cavalcades, theatre, floats and many other events. The municipality of Urrao is a quite traditional place surrounded by the natural beauty of Colombia.