Ipiales to Bogota Bus
The distance from Ipiales to Bogota is 579 mi (932 km) and the travel takes about 24 hours. Expreso Bolivariano and Fronteras, terrestrial transportation companies, provide bus tickets for this route at low-cost bus tickets to make more comfortable and simple the choice of the traveller. Bogota is the capital of Colombia and there you will find an environment of diversity and multiculturalism. When the traveller walks on its streets, he can admire constructions from the colonial past that get along with current buildings. It's the main city of art, gastronomy, joy and culture union in all Colombia. The weather in Bogota is warm and mild, with an average temperature of 56 °F (13 °C); in addition, due to its proximity to the equator, there are moderate rains. It's highly recommended to bring warm clothes and a raincoat to get to know all that this splendid city can offer you.
Why book a Ipiales (Nar) a Bogota (D.C) bus with redBus?
You can also time-to-time redBus offers while booking your bus tickets online from Ipiales (Nar) to Bogota (D.C). Follow a simple, fast and secure bus booking procedure. This helps save time and also helps to create a joyful travel experience!
About Ipiales
Ipiale is a city located in the Department of Nariño, near the border with Ecuador. The spaniards founded the city in 1585, in an area previously occupied by “The Nation of the Pastos”. Ipiale was one of the first cities that declared its independence, and its residents fought bravely in the Battle of the Tarabita de México, one of the first skirmishes of the independence campaign.Ipiales forms an urban conurbation with Tulcán, an ecuadorian city. It has very different touristic attractions, the most famous being the Las Lajas Cathedral, an impressive architectonic work located in the middle of a cliff.
About Bogota
Bogota is the capital of Colombia, situated at 2640 m a.s.l. The city is known as the "Athens of South America" due to its great numer of museums, theaters, libraries and cultural activities. It is the third most elevated city in South America, behind (La Paz and Quito). In your journey through Bogota you will enjoy the historical tour along streets that combine modernity with colonial architechture. Bogota is well known for its cultural events like the International Book Fair and the "Festivales al Parque", which are attended by both national and international tourists. The Gold Museum, the National Observatory, the Colpatria Tower and the Botanical Garden José Celestino Mutis, the old La Candelaria Barrios are all must see destinations for all tourists. We hope yiy enjoy your historical and cultural adventure in Bogota!