Barranquilla to Monteria Bus
From Baranquilla to Monteria there are 242 mi (390 km), which take about 7 hours of travel on the highway. The terrestrial transportation companies that cover this route are, Expreso Brasilia and Unitransco, which offer the trip at 40 000 COP. The buses from Expreso Brasilia leave from the termina located in Universidad Simón Bolívar, while the buses from Unitransco depart from the Terminal Especial del Caribe. Monteria has a tropical, warm and humid climate and an average annual temperature of 81.3 °F (27.4 °C). It registers abundant precipitations throughout the yeear, although the first trimester rains are quite less frequent.
Why book a Barranquilla (Atl) a Monteria (Cor) bus with redBus?
You can also time-to-time redBus offers while booking your bus tickets online from Barranquilla (Atl) to Monteria (Cor). Follow a simple, fast and secure bus booking procedure. This helps save time and also helps to create a joyful travel experience!
About Barranquilla
Barranquilla is located at the height from 4 mamsl to 98mamsl, depending on the area of the city. The distance from Barranquilla to Bogota is 764 mi (1230 km) and the travel takes approximately 24 hours. Barranquilla doesn't have a specific foundation date, the city was born spontaneously due to the agglomeration of indigenous and Spanish who settled the area approximately since 1530. According to Gonzalo Fernandez de Oviedo y Valdes, this place was a canoe pier, where diverse goods were sold as salt and prawns, among others.Its history starts with the independence of the Spanish power, in the Free State of Cartagena in 1813; at this time it was called first Billa de Barlovento as recognition, to finally be Barranquilla and its celebration date on April the 7th.In the middle of the 19th century, the city acquires importance as sea and river port of Colombia and thanks to steam boat, Cali achieve being in contact with cities as Cali or Medellin, transforming into the entrance door of new products and travellers from all over the world. In the 20th century the city consolidates as city mainly of business and is called "the Gold Door of Colombia". Nowadays it's known as a city of great cultural wealth and with the Carnival of Barranquilla, the biggest festival of the country.
About Monteria
Monteria is the capital of the Department of Córdoba, and is located at the shores of the Sinú River. The city was founded in 1777 by Antonio de la Torre y Miranda as San Jerónimo de Buenavista, although people still referred to the city as Montería. The city expanded since 1952, year when the Department of Córdoba was created and Monteía was designed as its capital.Nowadays the city is the ranching capital of Colombia. Monteria and the region are known for its cultural mixture, for being the birthplace of the vueltiao hat and for the Forro, a traditional folklóric music genre.