Book Terminal De Buga - Bus Tickets
Buga´s Terminal is a very visited place within the department of Valle del Cauca. Their destinations are varied, but most of their tours are in southern Colombia.
Address of the Terminal De Buga
â– Address of the Terminal de Buga: Calle 4 # 23 - 91
How to reach Terminal De Buga?
By Taxi: You may take a taxi to Terminal de Transporte de Buga from any point in the city, as it is a very important place and easy to reach.
By public transport: You can take any bus that goes by Carrera 23 or one that goes by Calle 4.
Terminal De Buga Buses Information
Bus operators asociated with redBus that operate in the Terminal de Buga: There are 17 bus operators asociated with redBus serving daily on the Buga.
What are the bus types you avail at Terminal de Buga?: Approximately 1500 buses arrive on a daily bassis to Buga
Amenities at Terminal De Buga
-Jewelry Store
-Coffee Shops
-Waiting room
-Public toilets
-Luggage storage services
-Information point
Will I find a redBus counter at the terminals?
At the moment we do not have our own counters at the terminals. However, for any questions you can contact us through the Call Center or go to the Bus Operator's own counter.
Should I take my printed bus ticket to Terminal De Buga?
It is not necessary to take your printed bus ticket, but you must bring the e-ticket that we send to your email once the purchase is finished. In the terminal, go to the counter of your bus company, present it and they will give you the ticket that you must present at the time of boarding.
Do I need to make an account on the redBus website to buy a bus ticket?
No, you do not need to make an account with redBus to book a ticket. But it is advisable to make an account to help speed up the buying process the next time you want to travel. Also, redBus offers a number of discounts and offers which you can easily access and use if you are registered.
Can I choose the terminal I want to arrive or depart through redBus?
Of course you can! Search the terminal of your preference in the pick-up point or destiny field, then choose your travel date and click the search button. redBus will show you a list of bus operators that go to your destination and their schedules.
Should I book my bus ticket at the counter or on the redBus platform?
There are 2 ways in which you can buy a bus ticket nationwide. You can physically go to the terminal of your choice, go to the counter of the bus operator with which you want to travel, queue, select a seat and book your ticket. Or if you prefer you can visit and reserve your seat in 5 minutes from the comfort of your home or office.
What happens if the bus does not leave at the time my ticket dictates and / or is canceled?
These logistical problems and their solutions need to be consulted directly in the counter of the bus operator.
How can I buy my tickets to Terminal De Buga?
You can buy your bus tickets to and from Terminal De Buga or to any destination of your choice in Colombia by just entering the official website of redBus that is