Medellin to Valledupar Bus
The distance from Medellin to Valledupar is 488 mi (786 km) and travelling by the intercity bus on the highway the route takes about 13 hours. The transportation companies Brasilia and Rapido Ochoa cover this route, with bus tickets at low-cost rates that you can obtain through their website with different schedules and service types. Valledupar is also known as the crib of "vallenato", popular folk music from Colombia. It's a city of high temperatures, recurring feature in the Caribbean cities. The Valledupar climate is tropical and without a lot of variation of temperature, which averages 82 °F (28 °C). If you travel at the begining of the year, specially in April, be prepared for feeling hot and a strong sun, because the temperatures and the sun radiation increases considerably.
Why book a Medellin (Ant) a Valledupar (Ces) bus with redBus?
You can also time-to-time redBus offers while booking your bus tickets online from Medellin (Ant) to Valledupar (Ces). Follow a simple, fast and secure bus booking procedure. This helps save time and also helps to create a joyful travel experience!
About Medellin
Medellin is located at 1495 m a.s.l., just 261 mi (420 kms) away from the capital Bogota. It is known as "The eternal spring city" or the "mountain's capital" nicknames that reflect it's attractive weather. It's history stars a number of indigenous tribes that lived on the region since V b.c. The first contact between the spaniards and the people of the Valley of Aburrá happened in 1541, although due to the lack of precious minerals and the resistance from the locals, the area was initially abandoned.In 1616 Medellín was founded with the name of "Poblado de San Lorenzo". In 1826, Medellín was named as capital of the Antioquia department by the National Congress. Modern day Medellín is a prosperous city in constant industrial and social development.
About Valledupar
This municipality, capital of the Cesar Department, it is called the "City of the Sacred Kings of the Valley of Upar", and was founded on January 6 in 1550 by the spanish captain Hernando de Santana. It is situated in the valley of the river Cesar and the name "Upar" comes from Eupari, a chimila warchief that lived in the territory before the spaniards arrived. It began as a small populated center in the lands of the eupari indians and became a pit stop for the Santa Marta route. It's an important place for farming mango trees and also ranching, and also the birthplace of vallenato, a traditional musical genre of colombia.