Medellin to Tabacal Bus
The travel from Medellin to Tabacal takes approximately 3.5 hours by bus, going through the distance of 67 mi (108 km), on the carretera 62. The terrestrial transportation companies of inter-city buses Rapido Ochoa and Brasilia cover this route Medellin - Tabacal, with a variety of services and schedules so the customer can make his choice of bus. The traveller can also acquire his bus tickets online to make the purchase easier. Tabacal has a tropical climate, with abundant precipitations throughout the year. We recommend you packing clothes to protect you from the rain (raincoat, umbrella) when you travel to Tabacal.
Why book a Medellin (Ant) a Tabacal (Ant) bus with redBus?
You can also time-to-time redBus offers while booking your bus tickets online from Medellin (Ant) to Tabacal (Ant). Follow a simple, fast and secure bus booking procedure. This helps save time and also helps to create a joyful travel experience!
About Medellin
Medellin is located at 1495 m a.s.l., just 261 mi (420 kms) away from the capital Bogota. It is known as "The eternal spring city" or the "mountain's capital" nicknames that reflect it's attractive weather. It's history stars a number of indigenous tribes that lived on the region since V b.c. The first contact between the spaniards and the people of the Valley of Aburrá happened in 1541, although due to the lack of precious minerals and the resistance from the locals, the area was initially abandoned.In 1616 Medellín was founded with the name of "Poblado de San Lorenzo". In 1826, Medellín was named as capital of the Antioquia department by the National Congress. Modern day Medellín is a prosperous city in constant industrial and social development.
About Tabacal
The small town of Tabacal belongs to the municipality of Buritica, it's a peaceful place founded beginning the 20th century, located on the right side of the western mountain range. Close to the main city of the department you can visit the Reserva Ecologica de la Guarcana, la Reserva Arquitectonica del Alto del Chocho or the Cavernas de San Antonio. Some of the typical dishes you can taste in Tabacal are the sancocho de gallina, the bandeja paisa, tamales and patacones. The festivals of the region include the Fiestas de Raza, Mitos y Leyendas in October and Fiestas Patronales de San Antonio with dawn chorus and martial bands of the neighboring towns. To visit Tabacal is to find an atmosphere of peace and calm, even deeper because of the green landscapes that surround the city.